A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Roses
Unlike any other flower, a rose has a huge range of colors and scents. They can be short as shrubs, can be grown like creepers & also can be grown in pots. Growing roses in your yard is an easy process with good yard drainage. Roses are hungry plants and must be hydrated and fertilized often for good results. Modern rose bushes are both tough and beautiful in a huge range of growing conditions. Here are a few essential rules suggested by Rose Garden Maintaining Santa Barbara to grow roses:
Rule No 1: Awareness of the roots
Bare root roses are one of a kind in the rose species and have the widest range of varieties and requires gentle love and care for the first few months. Unlike the other kind, the roots of a bare root rose are ought to be soaked in water overnight & should be well hydrated after plantation for the first few months. For the traditional landscaping beginners a potted rose of your choice is preferable.
Rule No 2: Too much of anything is not too good
Too many colors and varieties will not be in harmony. Garden Roses range from hundreds of varieties like grand florals, micro-miniatures and groundcovers to climbing roses. A little garden maintaining research on different kinds of roses which sets well with your yard, weather conditions & locality would help.

Rule No 3: Spot the right location
To grow a healthy rose plant, a sight where the plant receives sunlight up to 6-8 hrs and also should be protected by hot afternoon sun or freezing climate in cold conditions is essential. In such a case the soil of Santa Barbara rose gardens has to be taken care of by fertilizing and aerating it.
Rule No 4: Plant it when the time is right
Spring is the best time to plant roses. Or it can be done six weeks before the end of winter so that the rose is well planted into the soil. Only in spring, the bare root roses are available and they should be planted as soon as you get them home. Garden Roses that grow in containers are flexible to be sown whenever the climatic conditions are supportive. It is always preferred to plant roses on a serene and cloudy day instead of a hot, sunny day. The heat waves on a summer day can be damaging to the plant. One interesting tip for Rose Garden Maintaining Santa Barbara – A cloudy day will provide the sustainability of the plant bushes for the long term.
Rule No 5: Dig the ground deep
One of the key factors is the size of the hole in which you plant the rose. Whether you are planting the container roses or the bare root roses, the size of the dug hole must accommodate the roots of the plant and should have a good drain facility. If you are planning to grow roses side by side give a minimum gap of 3 inches so that they have ample space when they grow.
Rule No 6: Fertilization First
Monthly fertilization by using composted manure, organic & natural fertilizers is very much essential for roses. The optimum growth of rose bushes happens by the right supply of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium & other nutrients. Fertilizers are different at different stages of a rose plant; at the time of growth organic fertilizers are used and at the flowering time other kinds of fertilizers are used.
Rule No 7: Keep it hydrated
Using water completely depends on the climatic conditions & soil type of the locality. Do not water the plant excessively as the foliage gets wet and it might cause diseases like black spot and powdery mildew.
Rule No 8: Remove the dead
Pruning of rose’s bushes is frequently required to make it look tidy and enhance its growth. Remove the dead flowers, cut the dry branches & prune it well like a pro.
Rule No 9: Health comes first
Disease resistant varieties are available in the market; the best way is to choose one among them. Powdery mildew appears especially in the summers & the best way to avoid this disease is to water the plant bushes at ground level in the morning time. Black spot is a disease caused by a fungus with the advent of water causing the leaves to be black; to remove this disease a mixture of baking soda and horticulture oil.
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