Genius Strain
The Genius strain is rare, but users claim that it is worth the effort. It’s a Jack Herer strain that gives you a euphoric sensation. Users of medical marijuana like the Genius variety since it may help them relax and boost their spirits. To get Genius strain press buy marijuanna toronto.
Because of technological and learning advances, the number of accessible cannabis varietals has exploded. The fact that growing marijuana is now legal in a few states also aids matters. There are probably thousands of distinct strains, many of which we will never hear about or sample. You can find Genius weed and many others at meta cannabis.
There are various alternatives, including the Genius marijuana strain. It’s become so desired that it’s coveted, yet most people know very little about it. We attempt to give as much information as possible on Genius in this article.
The Genius strain was created by the Brothers Grimm, who bred a Jack Herer variant. It’s a well-balanced mix that provides a cerebral high. Those who have used Genius report experiencing an euphoric high. When the intoxication sets in, you may feel ecstatic and extremely calm.
In general, it will be difficult to discover Genius seeds. If you’re fortunate enough to find one, you’ll learn that Genius is a straightforward grow. You may grow it indoors, outside, or in a greenhouse if you have one. It is resistant to mold and mildew and doesn’t require much upkeep. However, growing Apollo 13 or Jack Herer is simpler.
The amount of nitrogen required by a Genious marijuana plant is less than that of other plants. Calcium, nitrogen, and sulfur are all important secondary nutrients to add to the mix. Start with a reduced quantity of the brand-name fertilizer recommended on the package at first.
When grown indoors, it may take up to 7-10 weeks to blossom. Genius can yield up to 18 ounces of bud per square meter cultivated. Genius prefers a dry Mediterranean climate when grown outside. It is generally ready for harvest by the end of September or early October.
What Is the Genius Strain?

You should take the recommended dosage until you notice that it is no longer having an effect. However, if you do not feel any change after three weeks of usage, consult your doctor.They are more likely to sit back and rest instead. In any case, the initial burst of energy is brief. Body sedation quickly follows, but the euphoric sensation lingers for the duration of the high. Genius may keep you intoxicated for many hours.
You should be able to smell earthy, woody notes. If you pay attention, you may notice citrus undertones as well. When burning the buds, a pungent and sour odor replaces the fragrance.Flavor
Although the flavor isn’t strong, it is pleasant. You won’t get an earthy Genius flavor; instead, you’ll get a herbal pine taste. The delightful sweet citrus on the exhale is something to behold.Appearance
The buds of this strain are green and covered in fine orange hairs. When the Genius plant is nearing the conclusion of its flowering period, you may also notice frosty trichomes.Genius Strain Grow Info